Look for beauty salons in your city. You will notice that they provide similar, sometimes even identical services. Prices may differ if the services are for different segments. But what if we take one segment? For example, luxury beauty salons. They are not very different, and the target audience is the same. How do they find “their” clients, and most importantly, how do they retain them?
"It's all about service!" - you will think and you will be right =) In a broad sense, "service" covers the entire path that the client goes through. What experience he gets, starting from the moment he signs up for the service and ending with leaving the salon. What emotions he experiences, how comfortable he is, how much he trusts the salon. These factors decide whether the client will come back again.
To retain a client, you need a strategy. And to develop it, you need to understand which marketing approaches and tools are best to use. One of the most effective tools is mailings.
In this article I will tell you how a beauty salon can use newsletters to retain clients.
Why does a beauty salon need newsletters?
Imagine that you opened a beauty salon. You know that the beauty salon's income is generated by clients, so you are actively trying to increase sales, attract new clients. You have already hired an SMM specialist, made a website, launched advertising. And a miracle: clients write, 40% even make it to an appointment.
Here a problem arises: clients do not return after the first visit. You try, attract them, then lose them... At the same time, there is no doubt about the quality of the work of the masters and the customer service: everything is under your control. Something goes wrong from the moment you lose control - when the client leaves. And then you understand: you need to maintain contact with the client outside the salon. Yes, you are right: you need to retain clients .
If you feel something like this, don't despair, you're not alone =) Let's take a step-by-step look at the marketing strategy for retaining customers.
There are a lot of different tools that help retain clients. Quality service, providing comfortable conditions for the client, the salon's activity on social networks. These are some aspects, you are already using them. But there is another aspect - customer relationship management. Learn to communicate with clients online. Remind them about appointments in advance. Ask after visiting the salon what should be improved. If the client got a manicure, write in 3 weeks and offer to make an appointment for the next one. The client probably does not have time to look for when the master has windows - do it for him, offer all the options so that he chooses the most convenient one.
Doing all this manually is inefficient. Imagine your manager trying to write messages to hundreds of clients a day. And what if there are a thousand of them? It is impossible to do it manually. But it can be done with the help of automated mailings.
Automated mailings are a method of communication with clients that takes place with minimal human participation. If you use specialized services like enKod, then participation will only be in terms of setting up the mailing and analyzing the results.
In enkod, mailings can be sent via the following channels:
Email newsletters,
Web push,
Mobile push
Selecting a distribution channel enKod
They can be sent automatically in response to specific events, these are trigger mailings. In the case of a beauty salon, the trigger could be an appointment for a service, cancellation of an appointment, leaving a review, and others.
enKod also has a cool feature: you can chat with a WhatsApp contact right on the platform itself .
WhatsApp Dialogues in enKod
With automated mailings, you can malaysia business email list respond to customer actions that are beyond your control. Remember what the problem was initially? You couldn't control the customer outside the salon. And so the zone of influence expands. In a good way, if anything =)
How to start mailings
First, you need to decide on the purpose of the mailing, the segment and the channel. Everything in order.
The goal of the mailing is what you want to get as a result of it.
– We want to retain customers.
A segment is a part of the audience that will receive a newsletter. If you suddenly thought now: “We want to send to everyone” — keep in mind that this is not always necessary. For example, why send a reminder newsletter about the next manicure to a client who has only had his hair dyed? This client does not need a reminder, but information. Each goal has its own segment.
– Mailing to the segment of clients who were on the first service.
The channel is where the user will receive the newsletter. In the application, by email or SMS message - as you decide. Let's consider each of the channels separately.
Email newsletters
Examples: welcome letters, information about new services and news, hair care checklists.
SMS mailings
Examples: promo codes, appointment reminders.
Messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram):
Examples: confirmation of registration, quality control surveys, invitations to a master class.
- We will have an email newsletter.
So, the basic stages are completed, hurray! Now our task is to choose a tool for mailing, i.e. where and how we will do mailings, and create content.
The tool will be the enKod CDP platform. It may sound unclear, but you will understand now =)
The CDP platform is a customer data platform, a service where customer data is stored and segmented to automate marketing tasks. Mailings are one of such tasks. Let's see how mailings are made in enKod.
1. Contact base
To make mailings you need customer contacts. If you already have a contact base, then rejoice, it will just need to be imported into the platform and customer cards will be ready:
Contact card in enKod
If there is no ready-made database, you will need to collect it. Yes, collect it, not buy it =) You can find more information about the stages of collecting customer contacts here .
2. Target segmentation
Divide your salon clients by interests, needs or other parameters. This way you can create personalized mailings that will increase audience loyalty.
3. Content
Letters should be useful and interesting. Respect your customers' privacy and don't risk ending up in spam . Work on the content of the letter and maximize the benefit.
Include specific offers and calls to action in your newsletter texts. This is a must. The client should clearly understand what to do after reading the letter.
How not to make mistakes when preparing a mailing list
Here is a list of the most common mistakes in mailings. Perhaps something will seem obvious, but such mistakes are made. Therefore, read and remember what NOT to do!
Sending without consent. Do not send mailings to clients without their consent. Otherwise, you will catch a wave of spam complaints from irritated users who, to put it mildly, did not need the mailing. Keep in mind that there will be clients who will file a complaint against you with the FAS for sending a mailing without the recipient's consent, since it is a violation of the law on the protection of personal data . Such a violation can result in a fine of up to 500 thousand* rubles. Hence the simple conclusion: always get consent to send a mailing!
Unadapted emails for mobile devices. Check how your newsletter looks on different devices. More than 50% of Internet users check their email from mobile devices – make it convenient for them and make sure everything is displayed correctly. To do this, test the email before sending it out. Make sure all the links work, nothing has shifted and it is displayed as planned. If after sending something is still wrong, enKod has a function for editing the email even after sending it out.
Grammatical and technical errors. Word errors or incorrect display of images can negatively affect the perception of the mailing. Except for those cases when a word error is a trick to attract attention. This does happen, but not all clients will like it, you need to know your target audience well to understand how they will evaluate it =)
Only mass mailing without segmentation. Do not send one letter to everyone. This will not always work, only if the letter is informative, for example, about a product version update - then yes, you can send mass mailings.
It is better to mix mass mailings, for example, with transactional ones, this will be more effective. Mass mailing to all clients about a new device for facial rejuvenation and for the 30+ segment, a mailing with an exclusive offer. Segmentation of the audience increases the relevance of the mailing, and thus the effectiveness.
Ignore reactivation emails. Keep in touch with clients even if they haven’t visited the salon in a while. Send personalized offers and reminders to reactivate clients.