There are basically 5 phases in the composition of the sales funnel:
There are other more complete models, but to understand the basic functioning of inbound marketing, let's talk about just these 5.
As we all know, the digital world revolves around search engines. And that is why business to consumer database inbound marketing uses content as a starting point. After all, content will be the way to attract visitors.
Attracting this visitor can be done in a paid and/or organic way. This is where SEM (Marketing en Motores de Búsqueda) tactics come in , which take into account exactly the development of a keyword strategy to attract the ideal visitor to your website.
At this time we use paid searches, such as Google Ads, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques and social networks, which are also essential in the relationship phase.
So, generally speaking, the idea in the attraction phase is to generate the most qualified traffic possible to your website through your content. In this way, we will transform this visitor into a recurring audience. Therefore, generating quality content will be essential to ensure that your website is visited constantly.
Making the visitor's experience pleasant is just one of the points to consider in order to achieve conversion.
As we said, content is the key to this process. To convert the visitor into a potential customer, we will use capture pages and forms. Therefore, rich materials such as e-books, webinars, infographics and spreadsheets come into play at this stage.
But don't forget: Content must be highly relevant and focused on the needs of your audience.
Don't forget to observe LGPD rules when converting your lead.
Your visitor has already become a potential customer. You provided great content in exchange for user registration. Now let's work on the relationship, which can also be done through social media, but mainly through correo de propaganda . Here come other important strategies within inbound marketing: lead nurturing and redacción .
Speaking specifically about copywriting, it also reaches the top of the funnel, to generate leads. But it is essential for sales conversion.
You need to keep your audience informed with content so that they move through your funnel. In this relationship phase, you will show your potential customer that you have the solution to the problem they are facing.
This way, he will interact with you and understand that you are the best option for him.
If everything went well, this is the time when you can show them that they can trust you.
You convinced him, through your content, that your solution was what he needed to solve the problem he was facing.
Your sales force We received the marketing lead at the right time and managed to convert him into a customer. Thus, the visitor who started the purchasing process at the top of the funnel moved down to the bottom and became a customer.
But even though the sales funnel is complete, the work is not over. On the contrary.
This step is just as important as the sales stage. Building a relationship goes far beyond simply winning over your customer.
In this way, during the loyalty stage, the customer will become an advocate for your brand, a promoter of your solutions. And so he will indicate his solution on social networks. This customer will be a multiplier.
Coming soon
Inbound marketing is a comprehensive and complex strategy. Attracting visitors and turning them into leads is a task that requires planning and dedication.
At all stages, it is very important to have tools at hand that help you evaluate the processes, making them more efficient. But the most important thing, at all times, is to always think about solving your potential client's problems.
Inbound marketing is, after all, the strategy that will always favor those who have the best services and products. And one that knows how to communicate this to its audience.
How about putting together an inbound marketing strategy for your company? Talk to our team of experts !
Do you want to learn how to do inbound marketing on your own, from A to Z? Buy the e-book Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to the Virtual World!