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What is Internal Link and why is it important?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:47 am
by nurnobi75
In addition to adding value to your blog, including internal links in articles increases relevance and is essential for good ranking in search engines. Since the beginning of Google, the use of links has been a very important differentiator and makes all the difference in SEO.

Link Building is part of a group of strategies that improve the performance of a website or blog organically, and is widely used to build a network of internal and external connections that add value to the content.

Knowing how to use this strategy can be essential for the growth of your blog and increasing reader retention.

Internal links vs external links
There are two ways to link content: through internal links and external links. Both are extremely important and one does not cancel out the other. In other words, to bring more results to your website, it is essential to insert external links and internal links in a natural way that does not interfere with reading.

External links are those that connect to content that is not included in the blog . External links increase the credibility of your blog and are a way for Google to understand that your text is part of a content network. You need to be careful when adding an external link to your blog. When selecting external content, it is important to consider the relevance of the website and whether it is directly related to your blog.

Internal links connect content within the same blog . They are important for ranking because they show that your blog has complementary content and that readers will find different materials on a given topic. In addition to placing your website or blog in a better position in search engines, internal links improve the reader's experience, increase dwell time and also help to create a positive relationship.

In addition to playing an important role in SEO , these links are powerful allies in guiding decision-making, that is, it is possible to guide the user through a path with internal links. This strategy is very useful for blogs that sell products or services. Even if the blog is not commercial, with internal links it is possible to create a path for any decision-making, such as: downloading an e-book, signing up for a newsletter or following on social media.

Step by step guide to using internal links
As we have seen, internal links interact within the same website, but there is no point in inserting links just to increase relevance for Google. With the following step-by-step guide, it will be easier to put it into practice and monitor the development of your blog in a strategic way.

1 - Completely map your blog or website
Before you start inserting links, it is important to carefully australia business fax list observe the entire content structure and understand which content is connected and how internal links can be inserted into each post.


This macro view is essential, as in addition to being a way of visualizing the entire structure of content that can be used, it also provides insights into new content that can be linked to content that is already available.

Tip: Have all link strategies and uses documented so that when creating new content you can view all linking options.

2 - Define the number of internal links
There is no set number of internal links, but there are guidelines that, when followed, can help improve organic performance and SEO. The ideal is to insert between 2 and 5 links, but more important than the number is the strategy behind this choice.

To determine the number of internal links to insert, you need to take into account the size of the text, the density and whether the linked content references the main content.

3 - How to insert internal links
After mapping, it's time to insert the internal links. It's not enough to create a call-to-action phrase and include it in the middle of the text. Doing so can have negative results because it hinders reading and creates a bad experience.

Links should be inserted strategically into the text, that is, in a natural way that does not interfere with reading. It is likely that when including internal links in old texts, it will be necessary to rewrite some sections or add some paragraphs. Even though it may seem like a long and tiring task, it is important that it is done, as it will make a big difference in the final result.

4 - Follow up
Internal links are part of the SEO strategy, which means they need to be monitored to determine future actions. It is not enough to insert internal links and hope that your blog will gain relevance; you need to monitor and define improvement actions.

Observe which links received the most clicks and which ones remained on the site for the longest time. All of this data shows your audience's interest and, with it, you can create strategic content.

Tip: The objective is a fundamental part of making a plan work, so it is important to determine the percentage of growth per month, quarter and semester. Internal links can bring excellent results, but for this to happen, it is necessary that the entire SEO strategy is defined.

As we have seen, internal links are extremely important and applying them strategically brings very positive results. In addition to improving positioning in search engines organically, they also provide a better experience for your user, as they direct content according to interests that have already been searched for.

Creating and carrying out strategic maintenance of internal links requires effort and time, but little by little, the relevance and reach of your website will increase, and what previously seemed like a small detail can be the key to new results.

By following a simple step-by-step guide, you can start developing an SEO strategy focused on internal links right now. Gradually, you can expand your planning to other areas that will enhance your blog and contribute to its growth and organic positioning.