has published the 2017 Email Marketing Benchmark Report , which brings together an interesting analysis of the results obtained from all the Email Marketing campaigns sent from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. After reading it carefully, we would like to comment on the main ideas that can be drawn from the study. What changes have been experienced in the last 12 months? The Open Rate has suffered a slight decrease, going from 24.88% to 24.79% . On the other hand, the Click Rate and the Click-to-Open Rate have had a significant increase. The first has gone from 3.42% to 4.19 % and the second from 10.88% to 11.88% . As for the Unsubscribe Rate, it has decreased from 0.52% to 0.49 % . also analyzes how the most important aspects of Email Marketing have worked in different sectors. OPEN RATE What influences the open rate? We agree with that knowledge of the sender, the subject and the sending time are 3 factors that will determine whether or not a user will open an email. It is very important that subscribers identify and recognize your company or brand and trust you. If they link you to something unknown and outside of their interest, they will most likely delete your emails directly. We cannot forget the Subject , which is the first thing a user sees when they receive an email and what will favor or not the opening of it. It has to be brief, interesting and above all, personalized. The third factor that we turkey business email list have to take into account is Time . Most emails are opened within the first hour after being sent/received. For this reason, it is so important to find the right moment to send it and to know perfectly the relationship between our objective, the audience and the nature of our content. Below we provide you with a ranking of the sectors that have the highest opening rate and those that, on the contrary, have the lowest rate: Top sectors – Opening Rate
What influences the click rate?
Let's suppose that the user has agreed to open your email, what factors will be key to the click? In this case, the content of the email will play a very important role. It has to be adapted to the different devices since many of your readers will probably be reading your email on a mobile or tablet. The content has to be quick to read and easy to understand. Another factor that we must keep in mind is the relevance of the content. At this point, we highlight the importance of having well-segmented databases in order to send the email to the indicated target. Last but not least, we have the Call to Action , which will determine whether the user will click or not. It is important that it is clear and concise. Here you will find more information about the different types.
Below we provide a ranking with the sectors that have a higher click rate and those that, on the contrary, have the lowest rate: Top sectors – Click Rate
Governmental (Local/National): 18.08%
Health / Beauty / Spa / Wellness: 6.74%
Community: 6.65%
Latest Sectors – Click Rate
Restaurants/Hospitality: 1.08%
Public Relations: 1.36%
Construction / Craftsmen: 1.60%
CLICK-TO-OPEN RATE The Click-to-Open (CTO)
rate provides a deeper insight into campaign performance as it takes into account post-open interactions in relation to opens, i.e. it does not use the total number of sends/deliveries. This allows you to see the performance of the actual content of the email (the design, relevance and strength of its call to action) and eliminates factors such as subject line and sender recognition. Below is a ranking of the sectors with the highest Click-to-Open rate and those with the lowest: Top sectors – CTO rate
Governmental (Local/National): 30.55%
Online Services: 17.33%
Health / Beauty / Spa / Wellness: 17.30%
Latest Sectors – CTO Rate
Public Relations: 4.28%
Restaurants/Hospitality: 5.65%
Banking/Financial: 6.57%
Unsubscribes are not something you normally want to see when you are doing Email Marketing campaigns, but as we have already told you on other occasions , it also has its positive side: it helps you keep your database clean and get rid of those users who are not really interested in the content you send. Don't be afraid to let subscribers go, on the contrary, make it really easy for them to only have those who are really interested.
Below we provide a ranking of the sectors that have a higher unsubscribe rate and those that, on the contrary, have the lowest rate:
Top sectors – Unsubscribe Rate
Other Services – B2C: 1.08%
Sales/Marketing/Design: 0.87%
Legal/Accounting: 0.87%
Latest Sectors – Loss Rate
Public Relations: 0.10%
Government (Local / National): 0.12%
Advertising: 0.19%
, reputation, and content are all aspects that directly affect the deliverability rate of emails. The study shows that the highest rate is in the Public Relations sector with 98.39% and the lowest is in the Sales/Marketing/Design sector with 91.65% . DEVICE TYPE – COMPUTER VS. MOBILE As we can see in the graph, although the latest data from 2017 shows a slight decrease in the percentage of emails opened via mobile, there is a strong historical trend towards increasing consumption. The average number of openings via mobile is a total of 47.93% compared to 52.07% for computers . The study also specifies that the click rate is 36.17% compared to 63.83% for computers . These results show that there is still a long way to go to make the user experience through mobile devices much better. AUTOMATED MARKETING Automated email marketing campaigns (welcome or confirmation emails) traditionally have a higher level of engagement than those that are not (scheduled promotions and newsletters).