When preparing the content of an email, especially if it is an email that seeks to sell specific products, the question may arise as to what will be more effective, directing traffic to the product page or to the general page of the category/collection to which that product belongs . A priori there are reasons that would justify both alternatives, however, thanks to this AB test we have seen the following.
Reasons to direct traffic to the product page: – We reduce friction in the browsing process. – The user saves time by not having to search through the product catalogue for the one that caught their attention in the email. Reasons to direct traffic to the category/collection reunion business email list page: – If the product clicked in the email is not sufficiently attractive, they can find an alternative on the category page that does satisfy them. – By directing traffic to the category, we are letting the user know the depth of our catalogue, which can have a positive impact on conversions resulting from an organic search.
We recently carried out a testing exercise for 8 weeks, the objective of which was to discover whether one of these alternatives generated more conversions. What we have seen is that directing traffic to the product page has generated, on average, 80% more conversions than directing it to the category page . Another fact that we have been able to confirm is that the AOV (average order value) of the purchases generated by users who have visited the category page has always been higher, although the total revenue per campaign has always been higher in the product page version.
In other words, what we have seen is that directing traffic to the category page generated a lower number of transactions but of a higher amount . As far as possible, we recommend carrying out this type of testing, since it sheds light on aspects that would otherwise remain invisible, thus allowing the decisions made by the e-commerce department to be justified.