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Learn about the 8P's of marketing, what are they?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:52 am
by nurnobi24
Do you have a company and would like to know about the 8Ps? This set of variables is the basis for any business, whether it is a virtual store or a company that is looking to rethink its value proposition.

Keep reading to discover what the 8Ps are and how to use them in your new venture or business model.

8p marketing
Table of contents

1 What are the 8P's of marketing?
1.1 The 8 P's of modern Marketing
1.1.1 Product
1.1.2 Price
1.1.3 Promotion
1.1.4 People
1.1.5 Plaza or point of sale
1.1.6 Processes
1.1.7 Tests
1.1.8 Productivity
What are the 8P's of marketing?
These are variables used to conduct marketing studies on products and services. These elements are essential in any marketing study within a company that carries it out with the aim of improving and promoting marketing plans.

The term was used by Neil Borden in 1950 with the purpose of gambling data singapore phone number grouping central and indispensable elements within the marketing sector of a company.

In this way, different managers or marketing directors plan in order to focus and ensure business growth.


The 8 P ’s of modern marketing
Among the variables that integrate and adapt to the 8Ps of marketing are:

The manager or the person leading the marketing team must focus on solving and implementing actions that are aligned with promoting a product and service that generates value and surpasses the competition.

Offering products with affordable prices or costs for different users or prospects. An inadequate price can interfere and affect losses or profit generation for the company and even generate little interest in users.

A methodology focused on promoting affordable prices and accessible offers through discounts that focus on marketing any product or service to boost sales results.

It is essential to recruit and include ongoing staff within the business. This helps promote roles and enhance business responsibilities and even generate customer satisfaction.

Plaza or point of sale
Focused on strengthening marketing centers such as physical stores, offices, websites and even trade fairs. These types of actions are carried out with the aim of boosting sales within the organization.

Creating methods to market and close deals, using tactics that are aligned to closing sales. Every consumer shows interest in obtaining a product and therefore it will be essential to maintain a system that is in favor of selling.

Brand reputation is evidence to support the company's image. This process is achieved through tests that will prove that the organization meets and adjusts to sales needs and generates customer satisfaction.

This last point is aimed at reducing resource management and optimizing its application to improve the company's responsibility and development.

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