Which merchandising to choose for your event

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Which merchandising to choose for your event

Post by rabia829 »

Devoting time and resources to the strategy and organisation of large corporate events is, without a doubt, something very necessary. But by always thinking big, imagining the big picture and setting long-term objectives, it is very easy to neglect the small details that can be equally or even more important in the task of promoting your company brand . That is why, in this article, we are going to instagram phone number data focus on a topic that is often overlooked, but that can actually have a great impact on the perception that consumers have of your brand. Today we will try to answer the question: what merchandising should you choose for your corporate event?


The only tangible memory
Perhaps the most important principle to keep in mind when choosing merchandising is that it is almost always the only tangible thing that the attendee retains from the event. Yes, we have talked a lot about how what consumers value most today are experiences, and we continue to insist on this. But precisely for this reason, the only physical object that is preserved from this experience takes on special relevance . And in this sense, the gift must reflect all the intangible things that you have tried to capture through the experience. Therefore, depending on the values ​​you want to promote or the message you want to convey , your choice can vary a lot.

Being creative is hard, but you have to try
As we all know, the topic of merchandising always comes up at the end of work meetings, in the final stages of event preparation. The typical phrase that announces it is “Oh, and we also have to think about what we give away” followed by “...we have €2.50 per attendee”. And from there comes the typical list of items such as tote bags , wireless chargers for mobile phones, diaries… We have all been there. Sometimes, if there is a bit more budget , and the event is for a smaller group of attendees, the idea of ​​some cheap smartwatch model may come up (wow, crazy).

Well, there is nothing wrong with these options, if they really reflect what you want to communicate. But the problem is that very often their choice is determined by lack of time to find something better, or by purely economic criteria . Hence, our recommendation to make an effort to see merchandising as an opportunity and try to be creative . You already have the usual stuff, and you can use it if you can't think of anything more striking.

Choose what speaks of you
We've already highlighted this idea before, but it bears repeating. There's nothing wrong with giving a tote bag or a diary . But everyone can do this. And besides, tote bags are ideal for carrying Tupperware to the office. And diaries end up piling up in drawers under desks. In the end, these are wasted opportunities to add another touch to your brand image.

Therefore, to understand which merchandising to choose for your event, carefully analyze the values ​​you want to convey, and try to capture them through this item that, hopefully, those attending your event will want to keep as a souvenir.

In this sense, both in the accounts department and in the creative department, it is very useful to keep the catalogues of the suppliers we usually work with , whether physical or online, and to have a record of small things (yes, of any kind, from mini board games to new gadgets) that we find in our day to day life to inspire us when looking for an original gift to accompany our event.

Sustainable commitment
And as always, we never tire of repeating that the proactive application of sustainable criteria to our activity is not a whim, but our obligation (link to 11). And it is not just about the use of sustainable materials and ecological inks. Sustainability also encompasses social , equality and inclusion, and economic aspects , such as choosing suppliers based on geographical proximity to avoid unnecessary transport. All these criteria should be taken into account regardless of whether or not the client requests it and the communication opportunities that this generates.
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