Project challenges

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Project challenges

Post by aktAkterSabiha20 »

The payment gateway connects to the University's security system to validate that the token sent by HubSpot is valid and current. If the answer is affirmative, it continues with the other synchronous steps; if not, it returns the error response to HubSpot.
If step 4 was affirmative, proceed to connect to the system to register the sent frame and generate a unique transaction code (guid-transaction).
Finally, the payment gateway responds to HubSpot with the generated link, which contains the token generated in step 6 and, additionally, the guid-transaction generated in step 5, to make the link unique.
We propose the use of CMS Hub to be used as a webapp capable of executing processes in the backend, keeping the entire process within HubSpot at 100%.

When the user registers on this form, a contact and a deal are generated with the information directly in HubSpot, and all the information regarding the transaction is associated (amount paid, what course has been taken, etc.) so that the marketing team can carry out specific campaigns, automations, follow-ups...

We also highlight the use of the CMS Hub Enterprise Serverless Function functionality as a microservice connected to the form to avoid compromising security (the parameters and connection methods of the functions are not visible in the browser).

A form has been created that takes the customer directly to the payment page without the need for any intermediary.

Since the forms were implemented at USIL, a total of more than 16,000 submissions have been received.

With the data obtained from the leads, follow-up can be carried out list of telegram users in japan through HubSpot.


The impact
USIL came in with a need to automate the data capture and communication process with the transactional part of the training sale, its payment gateway, which was fully integrated with HubSpot and also allowed new processes and workflows to be executed based on transaction data and contact statuses. USIL now has unified means to capture more leads through its form, while at the same time taking them directly to a payment platform.

Now your contacts can go directly to the payment platform through the form, without having to change pages as there are no intermediaries. In addition, the University can see the tracking of the leads generated from HubSpot.

The USIL team measures the success of the project by its high productivity, its improved tools to facilitate access and payment on its website and its ease of updating.

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Posted by Pati Garrido June 27, 2022
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