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How to Quickly Scale Content Creation

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:50 am
by batasakas
Content marketing is a great way to boost sales and attract new customers to your business. At the same time, high competition and users' need for different information force entrepreneurs to use new approaches, including scaling content.

Content scaling is the process of increasing volumes: the number of articles and posts, the speed of their publication, and the number of platforms where they will appear. The main task is to optimize current processes so as not cyprus phone number material to lose quality and not face a huge increase in costs. Let's take a closer look at what it is and how to create content faster.

Content Scaling Rules
Before you decide to change your content creation processes, here are a few tips to consider:

Only systematic structuring. Scaling content is not just increasing the volume of publications. Growth for the sake of a tick will not lead to anything. You need to create a system in which each stage of scaling will be aimed at achieving the goals of your business and its development.
To grow a website, blog, or social media account, a couple of unique expert posts a week is not enough. You need a stream of quality SEO-optimized publications. To stimulate real growth, approach the scaling process with the same ambition as launching a startup.
Three pillars of scaling: how to create more content without spending a lot of resources


To double the number of publications, you don’t need to double the content marketing department or outsource all new tasks. It’s enough to change the processes and optimize the department’s work. We’ll give you some practical advice that we use in our work.

#1 Test the principle of atomicity
The essence of the principle is to create a system that includes separate, high-quality working mechanisms. It was used by Henry Ford when he first launched the automobile assembly line. Instead of teams that assembled a car, a continuous flow was launched. At each section of it, a master worked who was responsible for a separate task.

The advantage of such a process is that the quality of the product does not suffer, but on the contrary, improves. Standards of work are defined for each stage, and the conveyor does not move forward if one of the specialists does not complete the task or does it poorly. At the same time, the interchangeability of parts and employees does not allow the process to be stopped.

We recommend using this principle when scaling content. Let's look at the example of creating an article: structuring it will help authors cope with the task faster, and you will immediately set the tone and control the quality of the content. Preparation will not take more than 10 minutes, but will save a lot of time.

You need to pay maximum attention to it, make it attractive. If the title does not "hook" the reader from the first seconds, all further content is not particularly important, since no one will read an uninteresting article.

How do you create a compelling headline? Formulate an idea and implement it in several iterations until it becomes clear, understandable and reflects the essence. When formulating a headline, consider two things - the reader's problem and the solution you provide with the information in the article.

Explore different headlines for inspiration, and also use handy services like ActiveCampaign or Hubspot . They won't create the perfect wording, of course, but you can get ideas from there.