If the goal of your welcome email is to focus on a specific action you want your subscribers to take after joining you, adding a single CTA is the way to go. You can adapt some of the ideas the Artsy team uses in this welcome email example, as their goal is similar.
welcome email example
Personalize your calls to action so they are focused on a single goal
Reasons why this email is one of the best welcome email examples:
a great use of white space that helps draw attention to the famous painting;
encouragement in titles and copy;
an unmissable black CTA button;
an elegant design style that reflects the purpose of the brand's principles.
Welcome Message Example #9 Fits
Simple, well-designed, and oh-so-welcoming: that’s how you might finland phone number library describe the Fits email. Sometimes the best welcome emails are designed just to say “hello,” and that can be your inspiration. Choose a color palette that matches your brand’s, and remember to keep a consistent tone to increase brand loyalty .
Welcome email example
Making members feel welcome should always come first.
Reasons why this email is one of the best welcome email examples:
an aesthetic color palette that matches the brand colors;
the informal and casual tone of the brand;
a high-quality product image that matches your color palette;
a short and simple copy that does not overwhelm the reader but aids their understanding.
Example of welcome message #10 Otherland
Still not convinced that you can simply greet your new subscribers without going any further into the sales narrative and still end up among the best welcome emails? Here’s an example from Otherland that will change your mind.
welcome email example
Promise your subscribers to provide more value with every email
The brand team focuses on consistent customer onboarding and ensures the value and benefits their emails bring – you can never go wrong with this strategy.
Developing onboarding email campaigns can help you maintain the progress you make with your welcome emails!
Reasons why this email is one of the best welcome email examples:
a clean and simple design, without distractions;
a clever use of the brand name in the title;
a creative and genuine copy that increases customer trust;
a visible unsubscribe button.
Adobe Lightroom Welcome Message Example #11
“Here’s what your portfolio or gallery could look like,” says the Adobe Lightroom welcome email without actually saying it. This proves once again that eye-catching images often do a lot of the work. Uplifting, inspiring titles and high quality amplify the mutual effect, creating a flawless first impression.
welcome email example
Images and copy go hand in hand and intensify each other's impact.
Reasons why this email is one of the best welcome email examples:
a well-structured design and copy that maintains the email hierarchy;
subtle yet contrasting CTAs that don't feel intrusive;
compelling, high-quality images;
motivating and invigorating titles.
Welcome Message Example #12 Italic
This example shows how the best welcome emails get the job done with two things: mouth-watering images and proof that it costs much less to sign up than the competition.
Welcome email example