Eva Katz, our managing partner, owner of the social promotion agency Tokki, wrote an article for the magazine " Commercial Director " . We quote it here.
In online and offline trade, in the B2B segment and in the service sector, it is easier and cheaper to return a former client than to attract a new one. If you are constantly looking for new buyers and no longer know where to get them, think: maybe it is better to return those who have already placed orders with you? In such a situation, it is worth asking yourself why exactly they stopped buying. Did it seem too expensive? Were they lured away by competitors? Or did customers simply forget about your company? Were website visitors distracted from the purchase and went to look for additional information about the product? Here are several proven methods that will help you understand the reason for the departure of buyers.
In this article you will read:
How to Optimize Your Customer Service System
Why do clients leave and how to get them back
What should be the quality of work with clients for good sales?
1. Feel like a detective: organize surveillance
The system of working with clients must necessarily include list of japan cell phone numbers interaction with former customers. Moreover, if you work not with hundreds and thousands, but with dozens of clients, it makes sense to pay targeted attention to former customers, to improve the quality of work with clients. For example, if our agency's clients leave us, hoping to save money or having received a tempting offer from the outside, we monitor their further successes. To do this, we study how the new contractor-competitor, to whom our client has moved, copes with the work.
In order to understand why clients leave and optimize the client work system, we look at how advertising is placed, how work is carried out in corporate accounts on social networks, what the business owner writes on his personal page; we evaluate mentions of the company. The parameters that need to be monitored depend on what the client does and where the company is represented. If we see that the client's business has gotten worse, we write or call him ourselves and offer to return. This method does not require much time and effort: 20 minutes were enough for us to formulate proposals - and out of six clients, four work with us again. With this approach, you need to remember two important points.
Don't make your customers a more advantageous offer than the previous one. Otherwise, they will like to leave and come back all the time, and then you will have to constantly change the terms and make concessions. If the price is a problem for the customer, you can offer a narrowed set of services. For example, for someone for whom ordering a set of services - SMM (work in social networks) and targeted advertising in social networks is too expensive - we offer to purchase only the second service, since it has a greater impact on sales and its effect is easier to calculate. In this case, SMM can be entrusted to your own employees, but, say, with consultations from our specialists.
Remember that people don't like to admit defeat. This is one of the reasons why clients leave. So it's worth presenting your proposal by emphasizing that your company, for example, "has expanded, added new resources and new offers for special clients." In the process of writing this article, I contacted one of the clients who took a break from cooperation because the price was high for him, and business was not going well. By the end of the day, he started working with us again, deciding to order a narrowed set of services at a price that suited him.
2. Don't chase the benefits of the first purchase
There may be customers who want to try your product or service, but are not ready to pay the set price. They visit the site, look at the goods, but leave without buying anything. But if such a customer makes at least one purchase and likes everything, then the probability of a repeat order is very high. It is important to understand that the first sale to such a customer may be insignificant. It is not needed to make a good profit, but to turn a potential buyer into an active one. Therefore, it is worth forcing those who came to the site but did not buy anything to make at least a small purchase. Then they will stay with you.
A simple scheme, remarketing, helps to bring back website visitors in online trading. This is advertising that leads to your website and is shown to those who have already visited it. It is placed on the pages of other websites and in social networks. Now both social networks and search engines work with retargeting, track buyers and can show them advertising. A special code is installed on the website, which sends the system data about those who visited it. Such code can track both the users themselves and their specific actions. For example, a person visited the page of a particular product, or made a purchase, or just put the product in the basket, but did not buy it - all this can be monitored. So, if a visitor visited the page of a specific product, for example, a handbag, but never bought it, he will see a banner with this particular handbag.
When remarketing, it makes sense to break your website visitors into three categories:
those who came to the site and bought something;
those who came to the site, put the product in the basket, but did not buy it;
those who looked at the product but did not buy anything.
To find out what prevents visitors from making a purchase, set up separate ads for each category of customers and show them different offers, and then evaluate which of them is most attractive to a particular group.
Give cumulative discounts to those who have already made purchases. This is a very simple scheme, without playing with the buyer. For example, customers who had previously made orders in an online grocery store were shown an ad: "You have already purchased on . A cumulative discount is valid for you." The main thing is to inform the person about the benefit and remind him that he is already involved in the process. This technique is based on people's desire for consistency.
Offer discounts on the first purchase to those who have not yet ordered anything. For example, an online delicatessen store had the best remarketing campaign for those who came to the site, looked at the products and left without buying anything. They were shown three groups of ads: about various discounts (from 5 to 30%), about reduced prices on the site and ads that, according to Google Analytics, demonstrated the highest conversion or the lowest cost of attracting a visitor in previous advertising campaigns. The ad group with reduced prices worked best. An image with a specific product showed the old and new prices, saying that the prices were reduced for several days (however, the period was not specified). On average, the price was reduced by 20-30%. The ROI from targeted advertising on Facebook for this campaign was 873%.
But if remarketing works automatically, then with a small number of clients you can work manually.
Customer Service System: 5 Working Ways to Retain Customers
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