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Templates and examples of sick leave texts

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:50 am
by xarago5158
A professional text message is important, but does that mean you have to sit down to craft the perfect message with a thermometer in your mouth? Absolutely not!

Use these customizable communication templates to prepare appropriate messages directly to your manager or boss.

Basic text for sick day
A basic medical text is ideal for a sudden, short-term illness. It is direct and provides the necessary information without being too detailed.

📝 Template:

"Good morning, [Boss's name]. I'm not feeling well and need to take a sick day. I've contacted [Colleague's name] to cover for me. I'll let you know today if I can come back to work tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding."

Example of extended sick leave
If you need a few days off, perhaps for country code +30, greece phone numbers recovery or surgery, be clear about the expected length of your leave and your work arrangements. Being upfront about your anticipated absence will help your boss manage resources effectively.

Extended sick leave template:

"Hello, [Boss's name]. I have been diagnosed with [illness] and will need to take some time off from [start date] to [end date]. [Colleague's name] has kindly agreed to cover for me. Please let me know if you need any documentation or other details to help facilitate this handover. Thank you."


📝 Post-surgery recovery leave template:

"Hi, [Boss's name]. I'm having surgery and will need some time to recover. My doctor has recommended rest from [start date] to [end date], during which I'll be on vacation. However, I'll keep you updated on my recovery and make sure all my work is done before I leave. Let me know if you need a doctor's note or further details. Thank you for your support."

Family emergencies
Sometimes emergencies are not related to your health, but to family members. In such situations, you need to be just as sensitive and respectful.

Let your boss know you are dealing with an urgent situation, but avoid unnecessary personal details.

📝 Family member sick leave template:

"Hi, [Boss's name]. I need to take some time off today to care for a sick family member. I'll make sure my tasks are completed and let you know if I need any extra time. Thank you for your understanding."

📝 Child sick leave template:

"Good morning, [Boss's name]. My child is unwell and I need to stay home to care for him. In the meantime, [Colleague's name] has kindly agreed to take over all of my primary tasks. I will provide an update on my availability tomorrow by the end of the day. Thank you for your consideration during this time."

📝 Bereavement Leave Template:

Losing a loved one is never easy, and bereavement leave allows you to grieve and manage your responsibilities without the added stress of work.

Notify your boss directly and provide the necessary details while being concise and respectful.

"Hello, [Boss's name]. I recently lost a close family member and will need to take a few days of bereavement leave to be with my family. I will be off work from [start date] and will return on [return date]. Thank you for your understanding."

📝 Emergency Family Leave Template:

"Hello, [Boss's name]. I have a family emergency that requires my immediate attention. I have informed the team of my absence and [Colleague's name] has kindly filled in for me today. I will be back at work tomorrow. Thank you for your patience."