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Keyword Stuffing: Find out why you shouldn't practice keyword stuffing in your SEO writing

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:56 am
by ashammi228
Keyword stuffing consists of filling the content of web pages by repeating the word you want to rank over and over again. Although it was used as a positioning method for a long time, it is currently considered an example of black hat, that is, a malicious practice.

But what exactly is this practice? What are the risks for SEO ? How overseas chinese in canada data can you avoid it? Read this content and discover all the answers you need about it!

What is Keyword Stuffing?
As we mentioned, this practice consists of using the keyword excessively in the content, that is, it is the exaggerated inclusion of the same word to try to position itself in search engines.

And, one of the ways to do Keyword Stuffing —and the most common one— is through blocks of text. For example, let's say our keyword is "perfumes", so our text would look something like this:

"We are an established company whose job is to make the most pleasant "perfumes" for our customers. Our "perfumes" have even won countless awards and are the most desired "perfumes" today. The best thing is that you can find the "perfumes" in perfumeries around the world, online, and even with independent distributors. Our "perfumes" are ideal to give as gifts to your partner, children, mom, dad, there are "perfumes" for everyone!"

As you can see, the word "perfumes" is repeated too many times and no, it does not add anything interesting to the content , in fact, it is quite the opposite, since it also does not allow for a natural reading.

Instead, you could do it correctly by following good SEO practices and write something like:

"Looking for the perfect gift? Choose our perfumes! They are ideal for everyone and there are so many options that you will surely find the scent you have been looking for."

Do you notice the difference?

Why is keyword stuffing no longer necessary for good positioning?
Google Panda considers keyword stuffing to be spam , because in a certain way we force the search engine to position content only by excessive use of the keyword.

And, although it may "work" at the moment, it is a very short-term thing. When you do this, you will be able to see that your page is positioning itself. However, after a few days, you will notice that it will start to drop very quickly.

But why? Basically because Google's algorithm has already determined the black hat , leading to an algorithmic penalty.

And although before 2011 you only needed to add the keyword you were looking to rank for several times to occupy the first results, nowadays, this is not the case at all, since, although you do need to add the keyword, you must do it accurately.

And of course, there are other ranking factors as well , such as:

Domain factors
Site loading speed
Make the site Mobile-friendly or responsive
Avoid excessive ads
Correct use of the keyword
Fulfill the search intent
That the content has specialty, authority and trustworthiness (EAT)
Originality, length and depth of content
Correct grammar, punctuation and syntax
Content Updates
Internal and external links
Multimedia content
Site reputation
Presence of terms of service and privacy
And many more! These are just some of the factors that Google currently takes into consideration when ranking a website . It is even estimated that Google's algorithm is made up of around 200 ranking factors.
What are the risks of keyword stuffing?
Google cannot be manipulated , so "sooner" or later it will discover all the black hat practices and the consequences will not be pleasant.

Among the main risks we find:

The dropout rate is increasing
Users are looking for answers, they don't want to read the same keyword 500 times, so when they discover that the content on your website doesn't answer their search intent and is unreadable, they will immediately close the page .

This in a nutshell means less time on site , fewer conversions , higher bounce rate, minimal interest in your other content, you won't be seen as an expert in your market, a weakened user experience , and many more negative consequences that directly affect the reader and, of course, your business and website.

Lack of backlinks
Backlinks are a key SEO strategy and consist of another blog or website directing their content to yours, which only happens if they consider your content to be of quality.

Google Penalty
There is no doubt: by using Keyword Stuffing, Google will penalize you . And this can happen in two ways:

The website will fall in the rankings instead of rising and earning reputation will be twice as hard a job.
The site could be completely removed.
Google seeks to rank those results that match the search intent of users . Therefore, if your goal is to be in the top positions, you must convince them that you are really achieving this.

7 tips to avoid keyword stuffing and include the keyword safely
It is not about being afraid of the keyword and not using it, but rather about doing so carefully, correctly and with criteria, verifying its proper use , to avoid any type of sanction and obtain all the benefits you seek with your website.

And so that you can do it properly, we bring you 7 tips to avoid Keyword Stuffing. Let's take a look at them!

1. Write naturally
Don't forget that your content will be read by people and by Google - which tries to "think" like one - so it is best to write content that responds to the search intent in a completely natural way.

By doing this, you avoid the risks of keyword stuffing and other black hat practices, as you apply originality, provide value and answers. This way, you will attract more readers and generate engagement .

2. Consider semantics
Strategies are important, however, don't forget that the language must be natural.

It's not just about meeting SEO parameters, Google expects to read content created for humans , using synonyms and words related to the topic you are dealing with.

3. Don't over-optimize a keyword
While there are no hard and fast rules for keyword density beyond the advice “don’t overdo it,” many SEO experts recommend using one keyword for every 200 words of text. However, as we mentioned above: it’s all about the naturalness and semantics of the content.

4. Be careful with the use of plural and singular terms
For search engines, singular and plural are not synonyms, so writing "perfume" or "perfumes" will be considered as the same keyword, and if you repeat them more than appropriate you will be using Keywords Stuffing.

5. Use synonyms
Synonyms are considered different keywords and using them will save you from being penalized.

For example, "vehicle", "car", "auto" and "carro" are synonyms that you can use without fear of being penalized.

6. Incorporate long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are more specific, longer and have fewer searches, but also less competition. Therefore, they will help you to better position your articles. You can see more details about this concept and others in our complete SEO dictionary .

7. Check your article
There's nothing like a final review before publishing, as this will help you verify the correct inclusion of keywords, relevance of content, grammar, spelling, etc.

As you can see, in short, it is about creating quality content that responds to the reader's search intent, that is unique and that provides value. Ultimately, it is about ensuring that users have a profitable and enjoyable experience when they enter your website.

What tools can I use to check keyword stuffing on my website?
There are various SEO tools that will help you check that your content does not suffer from keyword stuffing, and among the main ones we find:

SEO Quake : This is a free tool that not only gives you important SEO metrics, but also shows you the number of times each word is repeated and the percentage of times.
Keyword Density Checker : Allows us to check the percentage density of the keyword of each content by adding the URL of the page to the tool.
SEOBook : helps us measure the density of your competition's keywords.
Visiospark : With it you can enter the URL of your website and perform an SEO audit to verify Keyword Stuffing.
Conclusion: Avoid Keyword Stuffing
Many years ago this practice stopped being a way to position yourself and became a type of deception for search engines, so avoiding using it is the best strategy to avoid being penalized.

The ideal is to create texts written to impart value to readers and with relevant, well-structured and original information.