For a long time, companies have faced the need to make themselves known to their potential customers. We need to communicate our benefits, to make people see that our product or service is what they need. That is why advertising for a company is always highly recommended for it to be more profitable and successful, without leaving behind marketing to capture the attention of potential customers, retain them and build loyalty so that they return.
Nowadays, it is almost unthinkable for a company not to consider doing digital marketing and with the help of a specialized agency, you will have all the tools at hand to achieve these objectives. Nowadays, most users go online when they need to satisfy their needs and we have to be present in the right way to position ourselves and convert them into customers.
Until not long ago, all actions carried out to promote a company were called “outbound marketing”, a set of marketing actions with the aim of attracting consumers through direct and unidirectional methods. It consisted of trying to attract customers without knowing what they needed or what they might be interested myanmar b2b leads in in a product or service. Thanks to digital media, and the ease of global communication that they provide, we can relate our brands to our potential customers and at the same time offer the opportunity to study each other. This is how current “inbound marketing” appears, which studies the customer and their needs before offering them a product or service.
3-Oct-26-2021-10-30-08-66-AMHowever, before designing marketing actions or hiring a marketing agency, it is essential to be very clear about the objectives we are seeking. Without an objective, the services of a digital marketing agency may not be as successful as they would be if the goal were set in advance.
An objective must always be well-defined, achievable and measurable over time. The latter is a very common mistake we make when setting our goals.
Our objectives cannot be:
Positioning the brand
Let young audiences buy from us
Generate sales
Grow by 30%
We should always try to be more specific and limit them to a time period. This will help us to correctly monitor the actions we take and apply appropriate corrections if necessary.
Some examples of marketing goals and plans might include:
Make the company known to a target audience on social media within a maximum of 6 months, reaching at least 100,000 views and 1,000 interactions with the posts made in the established time. To do this, the company needs to know exactly what type of person it wants to reach and whether its current buyers match that objective.
Launching new and innovative products, achieving a minimum sales volume of X number of pieces or X turnover volume in the first quarter after launch. Many times, companies launch products, but do not plan a proper promotion strategy, therefore, they are not successful.
Improve the company's return on investment. Achieve a maximum cost per acquisition of 5 euros on social networks. We must make a well thought-out investment so that the return is worthwhile, analyse the costs and define limits for the campaigns to ensure that they are profitable.
If we take the time to establish correct objectives that are well planned and supported by a correct analysis, and if we also work hand in hand with a marketing agency that provides us with experience and skill in the use of digital tools, we can obtain these benefits:
Optimize profits and earnings. Companies with marketing agencies often see an increase in their income due to the number of clients who begin to learn about the company.
Increase sales. Marketing agencies generate greater distribution of advertising for a product or service, for this reason, the customer market increases.
Build customer loyalty. Once the digital marketing agency has generated more customers' awareness of the company, it must ensure that these customers trust the brand and return when they need something else.
Attract new customers.
We benefit from special rates that marketing agencies have access to.
Much more agile detection and resolution of negative trends.
4-2In order to carry out a successful marketing plan, we must work hand in hand with the agency to analyze, define and fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of our company. It is highly recommended that all of us who participate in the promotion of the company know how to recognize the positive aspects of the company, as well as the negative ones.
The marketing agency will begin to draw up the best strategies to attract the audience's attention. The first thing to do is a micro and macro market study to detect and fully understand the needs and behavior of consumers. We must empathize with our target and to do this we must know them well. In this way, we will be much more assertive in communication and we guarantee that our products or services solve their problems and satisfy their desires, ensuring that they come back when they have another need and recommend the company.
The agency will always work closely with the marketing manager of a company and they will have to study not only the clientele, but also the company. Thus, together, they will be able to better determine which audience to target, what values our clients are looking for and what message to convey. In marketing agencies there are always profiles specialized in doing prior research and positioning their clients to optimize their sales. Although a large number of companies manage their marketing strategy without having professional advice, thus having fewer sales than they could achieve, the most advisable thing to achieve business success is to have a marketing agency working as a team with us, allowing them to be in charge of the content on social networks and the interactions of customers on them. Doing this not only has the benefit of good web positioning, the acquisition of new clients and increased sales, but it will also free up the marketing professional to dedicate himself to more functions.
By using the right tools and channels, a digital marketing agency will reach as many users as possible and improve the company's image in the digital realm. Regardless of the size of the company, growth will be continuous if a specific and studied marketing plan is followed.
Once a company is successfully positioned in the market and is recognized, users will perceive that its products and services are of better quality than those of other companies. By having a better reputation, the expectations of the consumer community are met more frequently, generating more sales. It is very important to keep in mind that sales control must always be kept in mind in order to measure the results of the strategies and, in the event that sales do not look favorable, take the corresponding corrective actions to build a new strategy and thus improve the situation.