If we compare social media to the jungle, we can assure you that we have a few things in common. Both are unexplored areas full of hidden treasures… But to find those treasures, you need a map.
And to draw that map, you need some guidelines… Whether it's the exact number of steps to find the spot marked with the X where you should dig, or the KPIs to analyze your social networks . If you don't have indicators to create a strategy based on them , forget about finding treasures, neither in the jungle nor online.
So, let's not talk anymore... Can we help you draw your map?
Get your compass ready, we're starting!
Keys to analyzing your KPIs on social networks
Data, data and more data. Your digital strategy must be based on data. And physical therapist email database social media provides more data than grandma's recipes for croquettes.
Every like, every comment, every interaction… There are many pieces of data that can help you define and evaluate your strategy. These are the famous KPIs. But do you know if you are making the most of them?
Let's start at the beginning, which is always the best way to begin. What are the key points to consider when analyzing your KPIs on social media?
Before you dive into the avalanche of data, you need to set clear and achievable goals. What do you expect from your social media? Improve your brand visibility, build community, generate leads, increase conversions… Each goal needs to be aligned with specific KPIs.
Reach, click-through rate (CTR), number of followers, conversion rate, retention rate, content engagement… Depending on your goals, you’ll need to focus more on one or the other. And, be careful! It also depends on the social network. Because no, Coca-Cola is not the same as Pepsi. Nor is Nocilla the same as Nutella. Nor is Cola-Cao the same as Nesquik. Nor is Instagram the same as Tik Tok .
We return to the jungle simile. If you reach the place where the map indicates the treasure, but you don't take out the shovel and start digging, you'll be left without treasure. With KPIs, more of the same. You have to dig a little deeper and not just stick to the data that each social network offers on its own. We strongly advise you to use external tools that help you track your social media KPIs like a bloodhound. Keep reading, and a little further on we'll give you the letter with our recommendations.
It's a matter of perspective. Don't limit yourself to just the KPIs of your social networks. Compare your performance with that of your competitors on each platform to be able to clearly understand where you stand and identify areas for improvement.
Keeping your pantry full requires several trips to the supermarket a month (or a week, depending on the size of your pantry and how many people there are in your home). The analysis of your social media KPIs also has to be ongoing. Only then will you know which ones are not meeting your expectations or which ones are having an exceptional performance that would be great to replicate in other areas.
Ready to measure your KPIs and optimize your social media strategy? Go ahead! Your data will guide you to success in the competitive world of digital marketing.