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Add Payment Option Since we are using

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:21 am
by nusaiba128
Step 5: Stripe as the payment option, you will need to insert the Stripe credit card form field into the form first. add stripe payment field Now you can set up Stripe payments .

In the left menu panel of the form builder, open the iran telegram phone number list Payments tab . Here, you'll find options to add different payment options, depending on the add-on you install. payment integration Since we installed the Stripe Addon for this tutorial, click on the Stripe option and check the Enable Stripe payments option .

enable-stripe-settings-wpforms Now you can change the payment description and choose where to send the Stripe payment receipt. To send the payment receipt directly to the customer, select the Email option from the dropdown menu. After adding the payment option, click the Save button to not lose your changes.