Answers to questions
Are you stuck on questions you don't know the answer to? There's nothing easier than asking AI. Whether you're looking for factual information or tips , the content generator will help you.
If you're wondering what else you can use artificial intelligence for, read 10 useful ways to use Google Bard or ChatGPT .
How to work with ChatGPT and Google Bard?
Before we get into the evaluation itself, it is worth noting that for the best possible artificial intelligence outputs, it is a good idea to add some constraints to the assignment , for example:
Create 5 ideas for a film script and accept these XY conditions.
If you had to take 5 books to a deserted island slovenia email list without civilization, what would they be? They must be humorous and suspenseful. The maximum number of pages is under 300.
By specifying the assignment, you will get a more precise answer.
Also keep in mind that individual threads are thematically focused . Depending on the direction the conversation takes, additional content follows.
If you want an AI to write you a joke about politicians and then you're interested in information about what monitor lizards eat or what tail autotomy is, you might get another answer in the form of a joke. That's why it's a good idea to start a new thread for the new topic .
For us, it's probably something like this:
So what about the chatbot outputs?
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- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:29 am