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Organic and inorganic growth, two concepts for your b2b company

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:39 am
by kumartk
We are aware that in these times we need a boost in our company to achieve our short, medium and long-term objectives.

In the following article we will reveal to you what opportunities you have to grow your company thanks to organic and inorganic growth.

To do this, we will explain what organic growth is , which is created by adding more clients to the business or more businesses from our clients. It refers to the growth of your business with the resources we already have.

There is also inorganic growth or growth through acquisitions, which is spain email list experienced through mergers and acquisitions and is based on available resources plus capital.

In the following video I explain in 1 minute what I am going to talk about in this article. Don't miss it!

1. To what extent will organic and inorganic growth help my B2B business?
1.1 . Initial photograph. Final photograph
2. Let's start at the beginning: what is organic and inorganic growth and what is it for?
2.1 Organic growth
2.2 Inorganic growth
3. How can I implement this in my company?
3.1 Methods to generate organic growth in your business

1. To what extent will organic and inorganic growth help my B2B business?
As a company, the first thing you usually ask yourself when faced with these types of situations is, is this really going to help me? Will I grow with this model of actions? Do I really have growth options given the current situation?

And that's totally normal. But Connext can tell you something: Yes.

Yes, it is possible to make great positive progress in your b2b company through actions such as organic and inorganic growth.

Download our Ebook: How to sell more in industrial and B2B companies

1.1 . Initial photograph. Final photograph
The first thing you need to ask yourself is where you are and where you want to end up.

And you're probably thinking, it's easy to say it, but it's another thing to do it. And we're not saying that you're wrong, but if we're suggesting this, it's for a reason.

Given the current reality, it is very likely that your company's situation has changed and that you have had to adapt. Therefore, it is simply important that you take a snapshot of how your company is right now: how many clients do I have and how much do I sell to them?

From here, being prudent and realistic, we must consider where we want to go in the short and medium term . In this way, we will be able to discover what our growth opportunities are.

And, taking this into account, we can now begin to think about what the best actions or strategies will be to carry out in order to achieve those stated objectives.

inorganic growth

If you've reached this point, it's because you're really interested in this. So let's not beat around the bush any further.

In order for all of this to make sense, you must first understand what organic and inorganic growth is.

We explain it to you in the next point.

2. Let's start at the beginning: what is organic and inorganic growth and what is it for?
It is no use telling you indirectly that the key is organic and inorganic growth if we do not tell you what it is and what it is for.

So pay attention to the next two points, because after that comes the good stuff.

2.1 Organic growth
Organic growth is created by adding more customers to your business or more business from customers you already have.

That is, your company's growth is based on the resources you already have. This may mean an increase in new investments.

organic growth

Here are some examples to help you understand better:

Involving your productive capacity
Expanding, adapting or renovating it. If you are going to have to increase your production, it is time to invest in new machinery or equipment. You have the option of buying or renting, since companies have advantages in these situations and can enter into leasing or renting contracts.

Reviewing your portfolio of products or services
As we have already mentioned, the situation has changed, so many other things will have changed as a result. So, we are going to adapt. We can make investments in innovation in our product/service portfolio that better adapt to the needs of our customers.

Adapting your strategies
We have our initial picture and our final picture, where we want to get to. Knowing this, it is time to review the development strategies we were carrying out for our products/services and see if we need to modify, maintain or improve what we were doing until now.

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2.2 Inorganic growth
Inorganic or acquisition-based growth refers to growth experienced through mergers and acquisitions.

In plain English: It is based on the company's available resources and capital.

Many companies choose this option because the results can be seen more quickly. That is, growth in business revenue and revenue is seen.

It should be noted, however, that this sometimes presents complications or challenges for both investors and transferors or partners, which requires a careful and systematic approach to integration.

3. How can I implement this in my company?
At the end of the day, organic growth is about expanding or enlarging your business using internal resources. These resources include:

The skills
The experience
The relationships
And other tools
organic and inorganic growth

Reflecting organic growth, a strong and solid commitment to developing the business with a view to the long term rather than the short term.

For this reason, we must tell you that there are grants such as those from the Chamber of Commerce (which exist in all the autonomous communities of Spain), which help the growth of companies by giving them the option of opting for subsidies so that they can invest in various areas, such as digital marketing strategies, specialization in internationalization, etc.

3.1 Methods to generate organic growth in your business
Below, we are going to give you some guidelines that you can carry out to achieve organic growth within your company:

Define your audience

Before you start, make sure you know who your audience really is , your prospects, your potential clients, your buyer persona...whatever you want to call it.

This is one of the most important points, as it is the basis of everything.

They are the ones who are going to buy your products or consume your services, so you must know exactly what their needs, problems or pain points are, and then plan how you are going to "attack" them.

Choose a very specific market niche

You already know who you are going to target and what you are going to offer them, but where are they?

You should also make sure you know where they are , since sometimes our products/services are only needed by a very small niche. And that is not bad or worse or more difficult, you just have to know it in order to be able to propose actions and strategies in line with that specific target audience.

We also mention this because there are many companies that think: the more I cover, the more options I will have. And it doesn't have to be that way. The problem with companies that think this way is that they generalize too much and end up losing focus and, although it may not seem like it, the prospects realize this and end up deciding not to trust you.

If you propose a strategy like this, the only thing you are showing is that you are dedicated to everything and nothing at the same time, so make sure that this does not happen to you.

Discover your differentiator

Nowadays we are tired of seeing how companies copy each other. Don't be like that.
You must clearly define what makes you different and show it to the world. What is your value proposition, what is your competitive advantage over the rest. Why should they choose you and not your competition?

To do this, you have to be intelligent and know how to communicate it. It's not enough to say: "me, me and me," "I'm the best," "I do this and that."

Communications go much further and we have to know where the pain point of our potential clients is and what their needs are, making them see that we are there and we are going to solve their problems.