Why are website visitors not converting?

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adiba jahan
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Why are website visitors not converting?

Post by adiba jahan »

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Source: Nike
When visitors come to your website, they either take action or they don't. Some become customers, subscribers, registrants, and leads, but most don't.

Conversion is the lifeblood of a business. Understanding why your visitors aren't converting helps you identify areas where you can improve. Here are the possible issues and reasons that prevent or block the desired actions:

Failure to use SEO
Search Engine Optimization improves bosnia and herzegovina whatsapp your website's ranking in the top positions of SERPs. If you don't use SEO on your website, you are unlikely to rank - your website will not be seen, will have fewer or no visitors, and will have fewer or no chances of conversion.

Lack of call-to-action (CTA)
Calls to action are the elements that encourage visitors to take action. There are different CTAs, depending on your industry, and you should have plenty of them on your website. Without them, visitors don't have a clear path to take action when that's your goal.

Lack of product value
It is applicable to e-commerce sites. When you want visitors to buy products or services from you, make sure that they provide value. It makes the decision-making process of visitors simple and easy.

Poor mobile experience
In the first quarter of 2023, mobile devices generated 58.33% of global website traffic. If you want a higher chance of conversion, you need to make your website mobile-friendly. Slow-loading website pages on mobile devices will make visitors look for another website that will show them what they are looking for faster.
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