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Traditional Networking is Dead!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:36 am
by Joyzfsddt66
The days of swapping business cards at conferences and trade shows are dying out. In today’s business world nearly everybody has an online presence. As the saying goes: “If you are not online you don’t exist.”

Embracing the world of online networking may seem daunting and confusing. Our australia whatsapp phone number comprehensive guide will show you how to leverage traditional methods of networking to the online world and how to find people worthy connecting with.

Diagram showing traditional v online flow of networking:
Traditional Networking v Online Networking

Traditional networking takes the form of an introduction or meeting, followed by a conversation and the end goal is to swap business cards or contact details.

Online networking follows the same principal but it starts with a search for people / company, followed by an interest in what they have to say and ends with a connection.

Finding opportunities
Traditional networking is easier in the sense that you meet somebody, you hear what they have to say and decide within a short space of time if it is somebody you want to hear from again.

Networking online is more complicated. There is so much information online that at times it can difficult to distinguish the good from the bad and the useful from the useless. Our tips show you how to drown out the online noise and focus on finding valuable connections: