The fact is, despite the fact that they are asking us to return to the path of the European Union, no steps are being taken to do so.... - There is no evidence, there are only two laws in question. - Have all of Georgia's strategic partners gone crazy together, Mr. Lasha? - Georgians will not accept LGBT.
..children and we won't let them go down this path. - singapore business fax list Who was watching us? - Aren't there only two issues?! One is this [anti-LGBT legislation] and the other is the "transparency law." - The so-called Russian law, which started it all... - Can't you see it for yourself?! It's as clear as day that Georgians will not accept that.
We cannot go down this path, and the second law [on transparency] - has been sucked out of the finger... - Don't you have any questions - why did they bring back the "Russian law" a second time, when they themselves were recalled once due to public protests? - They will find reasons for you... A few days ago, one of your {BMG} respondents was comparing a company to a state and saying that Ukraine has become closer to Europe.