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8 email marketing campaign ideas to use at the end of the year

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:40 am
by bitheerani44556
If there is a time of year when sales increase, it is the end of the year. Holidays , Christmas, Black Friday, New Year, all these events create a perfect environment to increase campaigns and, consequently, sales.

If you work with digital marketing, you certainly can't miss the opportunity to attract more visibility and sales to your business through an email marketing campaign this holiday season.

At this point, strategic creativity is essential, so we have listed some steps retail email list to help you stand out in creating email marketing. Stay with us and discover everything you need to ensure the visibility your website needs.

1. Produce campaigns about end-of-year celebrations
The end of the year brings with it a number of festive dates, celebrations and, consequently, opportunities for buying and selling. Learn how to explore each of these themes and use them to your advantage when creating email marketing campaigns.

Develop Christmas campaign emails
Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year, for both consumers and retailers. Christmas sales increase by around 20% to 30% , so it's worth taking advantage of this time to increase your brand's engagement.

Christmas emails tend to create a bond with the user who receives them; if you do this correctly, you will achieve success in your sales. Here are the steps you can take to create the ideal Christmas email:


Gift your customer with exclusive promotions and coupons
“You won a 10% coupon for your next purchase!”, “You received a gift!” Triggers like these arouse your consumer’s curiosity.

Give your customers exclusive coupons and promotions that will reinforce their sense of reward and connection with the brand, since you sent the coupon directly to them.

Use phrases like “we’re running out of presents” and “get them before Christmas”
It is common for consumers, in general, to leave their end-of-year gift purchases until the last minute and end up buying without planning. Send email marketing campaigns that remind them of the date and the importance of purchasing your product in advance.

Messages with phrases like “we’re running out of gifts” help create a sense of urgency in consumers and encourage them to start shopping. In addition, use phrases like “it will arrive before Christmas,” showing consumers that if they don’t make their purchase right away, it won’t arrive before the date.

Learn more about this topic by reading our post on how to sell more at Christmas .

Explore the Black Friday theme
To make the most of your end-of-year campaigns, explore the engagement possibilities of each month. December is officially considered the month of Christmas and November is the month of Black Friday. During this month, use the “November Black” theme with promotions and discounts on products on your website and also use email marketing about Black Friday .

Flash promotions with a time limit
Mental triggers provide greater engagement for your email campaign. Use timers and messages such as “stock is running low”, “few units left” and “your products are waiting for you” in these emails.

Anticipate promotions for your customers
Use alert messages about upcoming promotions; this will create anticipation for upcoming offers and help customers prepare in advance.