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Agile marketing: how to manage your team + tools for your business!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:56 am
by nurnobi75
When you think about management and strategies for marketing teams, there are many possibilities and tactics used to achieve the best results, right? From content, social media, partnerships with other companies, organization, agile marketing, events and so many other activities, it seems impossible to handle everything.

Having so many options in this market does not mean that you need to invest in all of them, but it is important to look at strategies that make sense for your results and management and that, of course, deliver results for the business.

To achieve this, it is important that your team is agile and that methodologies and tools support this possibility. Have you heard about agile marketing and how it can make a big difference in your teams? Let's talk more about it, check it out!

What is agile marketing?
Marketing teams are responsible for many tasks and demands from various other sectors, customers and needs that the brand has and, therefore, keeping the work organized, with quality and without a drop in productivity is a huge challenge.

To minimize this problem among companies, agility is now being considered in this sector. When we talk about agility, it is not about doing everything faster, but rather about having processes and cycles established for the work.

Agile marketing comes from agile methodologies, which are project management and development methods used in IT areas. With the need to “get things in order,” this methodology is increasingly expanding and reaching a wide range of sectors.

Therefore, agile marketing consists of the idea of ​​understanding your problems and demands and dividing them so that results can be delivered and visualized more easily.

In this way, by adopting smaller cycles, it is possible to plan without getting stuck in long processes and it becomes possible to have constant deliveries, tests and use different approaches for each of the demands.

With this methodology, each short cycle is analyzed more closely and errors are identified more easily and corrected quickly, without harming the entire process. Does that make sense?

Agile Marketing is based on a manifesto , just like agile, and italy business fax list its main proposal and objective is to ensure that teams do not stand still in time and are able to respond quickly to customers and market changes.

Adopting agility in marketing is much more than a strategy; it is a change in the company's posture, organizational structure, culture and mindset. When well structured and implemented, this methodology provides several benefits for businesses, such as:


Increased productivity;
Efficiency and innovation in the sector;
Reduction of errors and rework ;
Great focus on the consumer and the final experience;
Ability to adapt quickly to changes;
Increases team alignment and strengthens the organizational climate;
Strengthens digital transformation.
How to manage a team with agile marketing?
Agility in marketing is an ongoing strategy within teams, and some actions, processes and tools are essential for this methodology to work well. Here are some requirements for implementing planning efficiently.

Have aligned leadership and set expectations
Leaders need to be able to lead agile teams and they are the great precursors of this change. Therefore, it is necessary to align business expectations, deliveries and teams so that all points are passed on to everyone.

At this first stage, there must be planning to establish rules, basic standards, quality control and transfer of the culture that is expected for the projects.

Discover the agile marketing frameworks
Agile marketing is based on frameworks, i.e., work models that allow the methodology to be applied and managed in practice. They are responsible for organizing the structure, activities and conducting the processes.

The frameworks used in marketing derive from those used in software development and it is important to understand what makes sense in your scenario.

Scrum is one of the best-known frameworks in agile methodologies and in this model teams work in short cycles, called sprints, which last from 1 to 4 weeks.

One of the main focuses of Scrum is collaboration and the methodology provides for daily meetings, called stand-ups, so that each member can share their activities, generating transparency in the team and strengthening communication.

For this work, teams have some roles such as the PO, the product owner, who is the professional who has the general vision of the campaign or product to direct each sprint, the team members and the Scrum Master, the one specialized in the methodology and focused on the process.

Kanban is a visual process management methodology and is an interesting item within agile marketing. Kanban consists of a board, known as a Kanban Board, which allows the visualization of the entire workflow.

Whether with post-its on the wall or cards in online tools, the board is divided into columns that represent the steps of a process and represent To Do, Doing and Done.

At each step, the board should contain the necessary tasks and those responsible for them, and with each change in status, the cards should move.

Kanban provides a dynamic view of the whole and allows for task management and for the entire team to have direction regarding their individual and group activities. More than that, the board helps prioritize demands and focus on the most important tasks.

It is worth mentioning that Kanban is not just a task board, but a methodology that presupposes a continuous flow of work, autonomy and commitment of employees and adaptation to changes at any time.

Lean is an agile methodology framework focused on simplifying processes . The word “lean” means “lean” and that is the proposal, that is, to make processes leaner, using only the time and resources necessary.

The methodology assumes the elimination of waste and reduction in the complexity of tasks, without losing quality and focus on customer satisfaction. The mindset here is to act quickly, iterate frequently and deliver value.

Have tools to support the strategy
When understanding the strategy and goals your team wants to achieve, it is important to have tools that help agile marketing take off. From software, ideas and simple actions to more complex ones full of results and insights for your business, having tools is a great advantage for team management.

Workflow for task visualization
You may already follow a type of Kanban and taking steps to facilitate delivery management is essential for your teams.

Whether on a board on the office wall or in a tool, it is important to have cards that include the checklist of deliveries, the creation of tasks, insertion of briefings, visualization for everyone on the team, reports and not only to give deadlines, but also to understand where people are with ease or difficulty in their deliveries.

Huntag's project and content validation workflow has exactly this proposal and makes its management easier, centralized and specialized in identifying errors and proposing solutions aligned with agility.

Communication tools
Communication is essential in Agile Marketing and at a time when home office is an established modality in many marketing teams, there needs to be constant exchanges.

Whether it's Slack or Teams, for example, it's important to have tools that organize communication between teams and prevent them from getting lost in confusing email exchanges, WhatsApp messages or messages on different networks.

Grouping messages, people, calls and having channels is essential for everyone to talk to everyone and for teams to remain united and cohesive in projects.

Digital Asset Management
There are many demands and tasks that exist within a marketing team and more than managing and understanding them, it is necessary to ensure that all deliverables are met within the teams.

Imagine that your product teams are asking for images, where does your marketing team store the deliveries? You need to go beyond email and shared folders, and invest in media centers and places where people can actually find what they need when they need it and without having to contact others.

Digital Asset Management Systems , also known as DAM, Digital Asset Management, have precisely this function and, in addition to sharing and storing digital files, they are tools with a complete ecosystem of content that involves all areas of a company and becomes a single and secure source of access.

A DAM takes great steps towards agile marketing, after all, it acts as operational and intellectual control of the materials produced by your brand and with it everything that is produced becomes identifiable, centralized and easily accessible for everyone.

The ability to collaborate on the creation and management of digital assets is crucial in the digital age and even more so in the adoption of agile marketing. With it, there is a focus on collaboration and effective organization within the corporate environment.

Knowing tools that make sense for your business is essential within an agile marketing strategy, and investing in specialized methodologies, materials, training and software makes all the difference to your results.

Huntag has solutions to make your media manageable and your workflow structured in a clear, assertive and direct way.