Many of you reading this article probably find yourself in a situation where you have an email marketing list with tons of subscribers but no idea what type of marketing emails to send them or even what options you have.To help clear up this confusion and leverage the great benefits of email marketing, we’ll go on a deep dive into all the ins and outs of this direct marketing method.So, let’s dive in!What is email marketing?In layman’s terms, email marketing is a digital marketing method that uses a combination of email as a communication channel and promotional or informational content to advertise old and new products/services to past customers, existing customers, and potential customers.
It’s also an irreplaceable asset in situations where a company needs to united kingdom phone number resource share a general message related to a controversy, market/industry event, and similar.What is an email marketing campaign?The phrase “email marketing campaign” gets thrown around quite a lot, but many don’t know the true definition behind it, which, simply put, is “a sequence of individual email messages (although it can be a one-off send, too) sent over a period of time to multiple recipients”. A campaign has to be well-timed and well-planned, so it arrives at the best moment and delivers valuable content and/or relevant offers (more on that in the best practices section).
And in the case of campaigns consisting of a series of emails, staying consistent with the design and messaging is also very important. examples of companies with great email marketing campaignswhether an email marketing campaign will be seen as great largely depends on who is sending it, its target audience, and its purpose. In other words, a campaign that works great for one business might work terribly for another.Still, some businesses execute their campaigns so well that showing them at least as examples is a must.
Creating Automated Email Sequences for Lead Nurturing
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