How to use data to improve strategies: from data driven to data science

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How to use data to improve strategies: from data driven to data science

Post by jsarmin »

A Google Analytics report is no longer enough
If you are involved in digital marketing activities, surely a prerogative of yours, your company or your client, will be to measure the effect of your promotional activities, lead generation campaigns, improvement of brand awareness, etc...

Try to answer this question: after you have observed and analyzed the data through Google Analytics, what do you do?

I'll try to give you some options

You share them with colleagues and/or clients
Rejoice in secret for your successes
You are disappointed because your expectations were different
Transform data into insights and take action
Unfortunately, even in large corporate environments, we stop at simple reporting or superficial data analysis without continuing with a data-driven perspective.

Data can give us a lot of information, but they are useless if we don't exploit some of the important considerations them or, even, if we observe them passively.

When we talk about data driven we mean exploiting data to improve your business. The ideal cycle based on data driven follows these steps:



data analysis


Check for improvements

Failure to take action occurs for many reasons: there is a fear of relying on data rather than experience, because there is a boss who decides everything independently of the data, because the action is thought to be too challenging, or because it is not clear what the data is really telling us.

The data driven model is now established and applicable in any context and project, be it small or for a multinational.
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