Who needs regional promotion?

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Who needs regional promotion?

Post by subornaakter40 »

There are geo-dependent and geo-independent queries, and the results for them will look different. In the first case, we are talking about queries that are initially related to commercial offers in a specific region. For example, "pizza delivery" or "buy upholstered furniture". Search engines will display in the results sites that are initially linked to the region where the user lives.

But in the results for geo-independent queries (like "how to cook fish soup" or "crochet") there will be sites from other regions or even those that do not have regional binding set up at all. Plus, queries that immediately mention the city are considered geo-independent, for example, "sushi delivery in Kyiv".

If your company serves clients only in its singapore business email list region and you cannot reach a wider audience, then promote within your own region.

In general, if you deal with clients in one or even several regions (but not any specific ones), then it makes sense to think about regional promotion in specific cities. This way, you will more likely get to the top of search results, which means that you will be seen by a larger number of users, and the competition will be much weaker.

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That is, specialists will bring your site to the top of the search results, provide more views. The result is an increase in sales, while you pay only for those customers who came to your site through a search engine.

If you have a cafe on the central avenue of the city, then you need regional promotion. You do not sell buns throughout the region, but through search your establishment is sought by local residents who want to drink a cup of coffee at lunch or after a working day.

Benefits of Regional Promotion
There is such a thing as the regional affiliation of a site, and it is this that largely determines the search results. Thanks to this parameter, advertisers find clients faster, and people find the goods and services they need. And the site itself is better perceived by search engines when geo-dependent requests are received.

The development of a model for the formation and promotion of a regional brand largely depends on the audience you are targeting. If you are interested in a specific region, then there is no point in advertising throughout Russia, thereby increasing your competition. But if you work without a geographical reference, then you should promote in different regions.

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What are the benefits of regional promotion:

Competition in a particular region is much lower compared to the entire territory of Russia, even if your field of activity is very popular.

You get a good flow of traffic because there are a lot of toponyms in the queries; you are dealing with an already interested audience (after all, they are all your own, locals).

Search engines perceive you more loyally because the system understands the ranking algorithm of your site.

Promotion is cheaper because geo-dependent queries are less popular, which means less money is spent on getting the site to the top of the search results. The cost per click is reduced compared to the situation if contextual advertising was broadcast throughout Russia.

The audience is more loyal to sites that have the geographic location they need.
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