Once you’ve completed your audit, the next step is to share the insights you’ve gained with your executives and the rest of your sales team.
It’s vital that executives are informed about any larger organizational issues impacting sales performance because you won’t be able to solve them on your own. And, at the individual level, you should be sharing with reps the trends you’re seeing and informing them of what role they play in that.
Once all stakeholders have an understanding of what’s vk database leading to performance issues, you can work with your executive team to create a plan for addressing the issues that exist at the broader company level and outside of your organization. Then for the issues within your team, you can develop individualized coaching plans for sales reps.
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3. Work to Solve the Issues
How to solve sales performance issues will depend on what’s causing the problems and at what level the problem exists.
You can solve individual performance issues with 1-on-1 coaching. Many team-wide problems can be addressed through operational improvements.
For example, if your corporate sales advisors are working too many small businesses, you can adjust your lead routing system so they’ll only be routed the ICPs they’re supposed to be working with.
For company-level issues, you’ll need to work with the rest of your organization to solve the problem.
For example, if you’re no longer finding success with your existing buyer personas, you can work with your marketing and services teams to re-evaluate buyer personas and ICPs. If you’re losing to a competitor because of product feature availability, you can work with your product team to make improvements or adjust messaging.
As you’re implementing potential solutions, you need to consider the timeline it’ll take for a change to impact your performance. Not everything will have a quick fix, and even problems that can be solved quickly at an individual level still won’t drive immediate results if you have a longer sales cycle.
For example, if a sales rep is focused on the wrong type of prospect, after that issue is identified, they’ll have to identify some good-fit prospects, nurture them and then work through the sales pipeline before you’d see an improvement in goal attainment.