Best practices for running an internal marketing team

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Best practices for running an internal marketing team

Post by nurnobi75 »

Having internal marketing teams has been around for a long time. The benefits it offers, such as greater transparency, cost savings, greater agility, and greater control over demands, are examples that this trend is not temporary and is here to stay.

With the help of new technologies and functions that are necessary to win more customers and boost a brand and business, having the ability to assemble a qualified internal marketing team is still a fundamental requirement even for smaller companies.

From models with 100% internal production to hybrid models, where demands are shared with external agencies, our intention with this reading is to help you a little with good practices for leading an internal marketing team.

Why are companies building in-house marketing teams?
The efforts to internalize marketing teams are not easy. There are challenges in hiring good professionals, initial investments in computers specifically for the creative area, digital tools that help with management and the flow of the area, etc., but it is a worthwhile effort. The return on investment (ROI) comes through the speed of work and transparency in processes. In addition, there is greater control over data and information, ranging from team performance to product and campaign details, which facilitates planning in the area.

Internal work enables a better understanding of expenses india business fax list and data, more effective decision-making, combined with the brand, culture and in-depth knowledge of products and services. In addition, everyone is speaking the same corporate language.

Other factors such as communication , collaboration , brand consistency and creativity , strengthen companies to build their internal marketing teams.


Communication: When you have a team that works focused on a single “client”, the response time is much faster. Just call the person next to you and that’s it!

Collaboration: Keeping campaign content and templates on a collaborative platform definitely improves workflow.

Brand consistency and creativity: Ease of maintaining your brand alignment, at a macro or micro level, whether it’s a small ad or a global campaign.

Points of attention in the management of internal marketing teams
Like everything in life, creating an in-house marketing team has its advantages and points of attention. We have already mentioned some examples, such as greater transparency, cost reduction, agility, organization of content and greater control over the brand. Other important points should be taken into consideration when managing an in-house marketing team. See below:

Invest in people’s skills , pay attention to what they do best.

Develop creativity . One of the biggest challenges for in-house marketing teams is that they always work for the same brand, which can lead to a “lack of creativity” that is common and different when working within an agency serving different clients and projects. Therefore, invest in creative courses , benchmark and, if necessary, hire an agency. This does not mean that working in-house exempts you from this possibility. Hiring an agency helps with the strategy and creation of the concept, which will then be broken down for the in-house team.

5 tools that will stimulate your team's creativity
When to separate internal and external functions?
Before answering this question, think: “Where will we benefit if we take this work out?”. Map out the needs of your marketing department and the campaign you will be working on, and do a SWOT analysis of this, identifying the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats that your team will face. And if after all this you decide to have external support, don’t assume that your team is not prepared. On the contrary, the analysis will provide feedback for improvements or even a vision of what types of projects your team can take on.

Remember, managing an internal marketing team is not about setting choices and decisions in stone, as we mentioned, marketing is a constant evolution.

We also have to consider that the relationship between agency and brand is evolving. Instead of an agency helping to produce graphic elements, in-house marketing teams are looking for a new creative perspective and asking: “how can I digitize my product?”, “how can we launch our new brand?” or “how can we reach our target audience?”.

It is a beneficial relationship, as it brings a new perspective into the company and raises the creativity and performance of the internal team to the next level.

Key Skills and Competencies for an In-House Marketing Team
There is no magic formula for a successful marketing team, nor is there a one-size-fits-all solution, as every company and its goals are different. But certain skills and competencies are essential for an in-house marketing team to function effectively. Have people who are:

Content Specialists;
Experts in Google ADS and Analytics;
SEO experts;
Social media experts;
Experts in buying paid media;
Have the ability to work well under pressure;
Discover platforms to improve processes;
And most importantly, be creative and work well as a team.
Technology in favor of more efficient management!
Technological solutions are increasingly present in the day-to-day marketing industry. Known as Martechs, the combination of the names “marketing + technology”, they are tools and/or platforms that help professionals in the area to work effectively, simply and with control. Tools are generally used for collecting strategic data and others for operational purposes, which help more in collaboration with less “redoing” .

You may have seen conversations spread across multiple channels, increasing the chances of errors and rework. Having a single location in the cloud to share content, validate and approve content, with version control and a history of information, allows internal marketing teams to be more agile and productive on a daily basis. Having all campaign operations on a single platform improves workflow, better manages deadlines and provides a macro view of things.

The ideal tool for your internal marketing team
No matter the size and structure of your company, the main components for success with internal marketing teams are knowledge and technology. A creative management platform will make internal processes much simpler. Huntag is a platform that helps marketing and communication teams organize and manage their digital content and projects effectively, facilitating process optimization and cost reduction. Through “ Digital Asset Management ” solutions, teams can easily find everything, keeping key brand materials and content organized. And “ Approval Workflow ” to centralize communication with the validation of pieces and creation of tasks in a single place.
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