Email marketing and images: how to make good use of them?

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Email marketing and images: how to make good use of them?

Post by nurnobi75 »

Even with all the progress and potential of social networks, anyone who thinks that email marketing is no longer a good strategy and has been forgotten in sales, marketing and many other sectors' processes is mistaken.

Email is an excellent ally for organizations and is a powerful tool for building and developing an audience engaged with your business or brand. In Brazil alone, more than 8 billion emails are sent per day and this is a strategy that needs to be well designed for your business.

How is email marketing designed and how are its content and images structured? Let's talk more about the topic so that your emails are even more successful. Stay tuned!

Email marketing and images
Email marketing is an important tool for attracting, engaging, building loyalty and building relationships with your audience and it can be used at any point in the funnel, allowing direct and long-term contact.

This is a cheaper strategy than other networks, after all, if you have good lists, you can reach the right people more easily, but it doesn't mean that this channel doesn't require a process, planning and analysis for good results.

This type of channel offers several advantages and is fast, non-interrupting for the user, can be used for different strategies, supports different formats and content, has metrics and monitoring possibilities, among many others.

According to data from HubSpot, 77% of companies surveyed said they saw an increase in their customer engagement levels via email during the pandemic.

There is a lot of talk about email marketing, attraction strategies, opening, content and ways to draw the public's attention to this channel, but it is necessary to go further to another very important point of the strategy: the use of images in the email.

Images – when used well – are very important for composing the content and message you want to convey and this type of asset needs to be well thought out for this strategy.

People feel safer when viewing products and services, and they can say much more than any description. Of course, you need to be careful with their use, after all, many servers can block the use of images, which reduces their delivery. Finding the right balance and using best practices makes all the difference in marketing emails and images.

Choose the right format
Many email marketing platforms allow users to create belgium business fax list campaigns using visual elements. It is important to know which formats are supported by these platforms so that the images do not suffer changes and problems when viewed on mobile or desktop.

Properly formatting files is crucial for communication to be successful and not interfere with the message you want to convey to your contact.


Also be careful with the size of your image: it must weigh a maximum of 100 kb and a maximum of 470 kb of images must be inserted in your layout.

Use images as composition
A big mistake when thinking about email marketing and images is the use of only visual elements within this channel. It is not interesting for emails to be composed only of images, that is, a single image that contains text and links.

With many servers being blocked from delivering images, if all of the content is present in it, the public won't even know what the message is about, does that make sense?

Therefore, use images for your composition . Always write texts in HTML and use images only to illustrate and complement what was said.

Even though there is no formula, it is recommended to base yourself on the proportion of 60% text to 40% image so as not to interfere with your deliveries and keep the email structured and easy to read.

Use alt and title text tags
The “alt” tag is the HTML code that appears when an image fails to load or is blocked. Using these features is essential to give the user more information about your message if they are not able to view it in full.

As for “title text”, this feature represents the text that appears when you place the mouse cursor over the image. This tag can help describe the image or even act as another CTA in your email marketing.

Use images as a form of CTA
CTAs, or Call to Actions, are very important for marketing emails and images can also be used for this purpose. Images can contain links within the email and, because they are clickable, they can be an interesting resource to lead your audience to other paths in the funnel.

Learn the methods for embedding images
With email marketing tools, it is becoming more common for email images to be linked to this channel and this is certainly the easiest way to create your content.

Linking an image only requires uploading the image to the platform and allows the image to be inserted into the appropriate space, reducing the size of the email.

In addition to this common possibility, images can be embedded in other ways such as using the standard HTML tag (which may cause your emails to be blocked by some servers).

Have a good image bank for your emails
Using images isn’t just about searching for assets on the internet and incorporating them into your email. You need to have visual content that speaks to your audience, your brand, and that is organized within your processes.

There are many images used in marketing and sales strategies and having your own company database makes all the difference in ensuring that the best choices are made within the processes.

By having its own image bank, the company gains control, differentiation and prominence in the market , increases the quality of email content, creates stories and communicates in an even more personalized way with its audience.

More than having an image bank, organizing your digital assets makes all the difference and having a system based on DAM, Digital Asset Management , or Digital Asset Management makes your business take even more care and direction with this type of content.

DAM platforms, more than just storing images, are part of a complete process of planning, creating, reviewing, publishing, measuring and hosting content, whatever the brand's needs.
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